We are currently recruiting people planning a pregnancy for The MothersBabies Study, a world-first pre-pregnancy study looking to uncover how a person’s microbiome changes from pre-pregnancy, throughout pregnancy, up until the baby’s first birthday, so that mums and bubs the world over may have the healthiest start to life.
The Healthy Optimal Australian Microbiome (HOAM) Study
There is an abundance of research demonstrating the interplay of the microbiome and diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, and liver disease however, there still a massive gap in our understanding of what a “normal” and “healthy” microbiome looks like. Through the Healthy Optimal Australian Microbiome Study, researchers at UNSW Microbiome Research Centre hope to shed some light on this by defining what the ultimate-healthy and normal microbiome looks like.
The HOAM Study - Dementia's and Alzheimer's Disease Groups
As part of our Healthy Optimal Australian Microbiome Study, we are hoping to learn what the microbiome looks like in people who have cognitive and memory changes.
Australian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study
Researchers within the Sydney+ IBD Research Consortia and the Microbiome Research Centre, UNSW Sydney are inviting people with inflammatory bowel disease, their family members and the general population to learn about the changes in the human microbiome.