Dr Xiaotao Jiang, Lecturer and Lead Bioinformatician, UNSW Microbiome Research Centre

Early Career Grant success to develop Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) for dementia and obesity

Dr Xiaotao Jiang, Lecturer at the UNSW Sydney Microbiome Research Centre has been awarded funding from NSW Health to develop a "super donor selection" platform for the treatment of obesity and dementia using Faecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT).

Obesity and dementia are two main conditions affecting adults and older Australians.

1 in 2 people in Australia adults are overweight or obese, and one person every three seconds is diagnosed with dementia.  While treatments exist, there has been little progress to slow or stop the increase of diagnosis of both conditions.

In obesity and dementia, we know there is an imbalance in the microorganisms in our gut and other body areas.  This is known as dysbiosis. There is the potential to improve health by altering these microorganisms using novel therapies such as Faecal Microbiome Transplantation (FMT). 

This research will use state-of-the-art multi-omics to identify the microorganisms present in both conditions and what chemicals they produce to create a "signature" for both conditions. 

Using a "signature for health," created from our Healthy Optimal Australian Microbiome Study and these disease signatures, Dr Xiaotao Jiang will develop a platform that will aid us in selecting the most suitable stool donors for FMT.

Working with our collaborators Lifeblood (Australian Red Cross), we will develop an FMT product for each condition suitable for clinical trials.

How you can help

We are still seeking people to help us develop the signatures for dementia and obesity.

You can learn more about participating here:  Healthy Optimal Australian Microbiome Study


Read about the grant on the NSW Health Website